
What is Code42

Code42 CrashPlan is simple to use, highly efficient, and very secure. You can take control of your own backups, accessing your data anytime using a web browser or desktop client.


  • Continuous, invisible backup
  • Unlimited backup
  • Up to four devices per user
  • Be protected while traveling, at home or on campus
  • Data is encrypted
  • Easy to use web interface to manage backups, perform restores
  • Use your VT username for secure access
  • Support documentation available
  • Automatic email notifications for missed backups

Target users


Currently there is no central Code42 license. Check with your departmental IT support for enrolling and using code42.


Service subscription required.

Supports laptops and desktops running modern versions of Windows, Apple's OS X and Linux client operating systems. See the Code42 CrashPlan system requirements.

Data security - May be used to store and transmit Low, Moderate, and High Risk Data, as defined by the Information Security Office. Users with Protected Health Information (PHI) on their computer must submit a Request to ensure their data is handled with extra care.


Contingent upon licenses purchased. Contact your department IT support for more information.