

What is JAMF

JAMF is a best-in-class enterprise device management tool for Apple devices. It allows IT staff members to address problems, improve security, and configure devices seamlessly. What's more, its on-demand app catalog empowers you to get the resources you need when it's convenient for you.


Here are some of the benefits Jamf can provide:


Your device will quickly receive software updates and patches with little to no interaction on your part.

Time efficiency

You will stay more productive because deployment and updating processes run in the background, freeing up more time for teaching and research.


You can choose when and where to install new software or run maintenance on your device through self-service portals.


IT will manage the security of your device, so you don't have to. You can rest assured that software patches, antivirus protection, and firewalls are well maintained. You can remotely wipe the device should it be lost or stolen.


Your data and files will remain confidential; no personal data is scanned, indexed, or transmitted off your device. Jamf servers also keep full audit logs of any actions performed by Jamf administrators.

Target users

Jamf is available to current faculty and staff who use VT owned devices.


A macOS device must perform enrollment.

  • VT username
  • VT owned computer
  • A supported version of macOS


  • macOS: $18 per device (annually*)
  • iOS/tvOS: $9 per device (annually*)

**Renewal will take place in July/August each year